The Holy Land

The Holy Land

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


What, what?! I'm back in the USA. And have been for 2 months now. Kinda quit blogging about a month into my Holy Land adventures. Whoopsies. Mainly because I decided to quit writing about my adventures and just live them. People would literally stay in the Jerusalem Center to work on blog posts instead of going out in the city. I considered that to be the worst decision they could make.  Besides doing something extremely culturally insensitive. Maybe like depicting Allah and starting WWIII. So I didn't keep up with the blogging thing. But I still have lots of great stories that maybe I will write about one day. Like when I contaminated the water source in Hezekiah's Tunnel by peeing in it. Or when my friend broke her leg while we were snorkeling in the Red Sea and I didn't know what to do for her so I told her Helen Keller jokes. Or when I went to Easter Service at the Garden Tomb and decided I wanted to join one of those Christian rock band churches. Or when I get kicked out of my Arabic class. But all that is for another day.

Also. I realized I had to change the title of my blog now that I am no longer in the Holy Land. But false. I do not. Provs is basically Zion to most Mormons, so the blog title still stands. Just gotta change my picture to a skyline of Provs. Close call.

Here's some happenings since I've been back.

1) First off.  On the way back I had a middle seat.  But somehow I traded for a window seat next to home girl Lizzi Perkins.  Don't even ask how I did that.  I don't even know.  A window seat on a 10 hour flight is like gold.  I think it was less a matter of my negotiating skills and more a matter of Kara Trammell's kindness.  It was seriously the nicest.  I tried to pay her for it.  But she didn't let me.  So I gave her my last pack of Gusher's and last Fruit by the Foot.  May God bless her for that act of kindness.

2) We landed, and upon landing I shed a single tear.  I prepped for landing by listening to my America playlist and nothing gets you hyped up quite like Neil Diamond's "America."  Just let me tell you.  Once we landed I booked it through customs and then went NYC cruising with home girl and fellow ATL shawty Sara.  Sara was a fellow merchandising intern at The Home Depot last summer and she is the best.  Hopped on the subway for my first time ever and cruised on into NYC.  It was my first time and I LOVED it. Walked around Times Square.  Pretty sure got the top of my head on Good Morning America.  Went to Central Park, Rockefeller Center, ate at Serendipity, all the classics.  But most importantly went to Ground Zero.  I even made a donation.  Which is a huge deal because I never make donations because I hate the government and I already pay taxes.  But the 9/11 Memorial was super nice and it was a great way to welcome myself back into America.  As was eating Dunkin Donuts and bacon. 

This is Sara and me from last sums.

2) Then I cruised on over to Columbus to visit the fam.  It was great.  Going home is the BEST.  I have my family trained well.  They always bring my dog to pick me up at the airport, and it is the cutest, and my mom always makes my favorite foods, and they record all the episodes of Duck Dynasty for me while I'm gone.  I was only home for five days but some highlights were a) Going to the lake.  It was too cold to get the boat out and go tubing and wakeboarding, but we always go over to the lake and there is a park and a dam and it's the nicest.  Living less than a mile from the lake is the one thing I am going to miss about Ohio.  Our trips to the dam always consist of continuous dam jokes.  I am the worst culprit and turns out my mom doesn't think it's that funny when I tell the kids to quit acting like dam animals on the dam playground.  But actually, she does.  b) Whenever I'm home we have lots of bonfires in the backyard.  We cook dinner over the fire and have s'mores and I LOVE it.  Well this time I decided we should go way out in the woods and down to the creek in the backyard.  So I take all the lil rugrats with me we explore and have a great time and then come back up to the fire and everyone has ticks. Lil Spencer literally had 20 ticks on him.  Everyone else had at least 5.  My mom was NOT happy.  She was even last happy when I stripped down in the backyard to my knickers.  Whoopsies.  Sorry Mother Teresia. c) I started giving my dog Minnie a haircut, but I never finished before I left.  My mom always tells me to take her to the groomers but I'm the biggest tight wad there ever was, and living with the Jews for four months didn't help that situation any.  Whoops.  Mainly I didn't finish because Minnie wasn't cooperating.  But actually because I was tired of it.  So I don't actually know how she is looking these days.  I assume she was taken to the groomers.  But frankly, I'm scared to ask for fear that she is still rocking the half haircut look.  d) Spencer and Jennifer.  Spencer is seriously the CUTEST little boy.  And the funniest.  Wen he was being potty trained he would call me every time he pooped on the toilet.  Hahaha.  I am obsessed with him.  Jennifer is also the cutest and funniest.  She has so much sass.  I've taught her well.  Watch below vid for proof.  My other sibs are pretty great too.  Oh and so are the parentals. 

3) Came back to Provs, took spring classes and worked.  I took my capstone business class, (I am officially unofficially graduated! Holler.  Just one more class to go for my marketing emphasis, but as of right now I have my business degree.  What?!) mountain biking, and organ.  Mountain biking was the BEST.  It was seriously so fun.  Some highlights from that class were a) running over a snake with my bike b) my teacher thought I was a total idiot but also he loved me because I talked about guns with him c) I fell off the side of the Bonneville Shoreline.  We were going downhill and it was steep and there were lots of rocks and I slid on one and right off the trail.  For those of you familiar with the hill near the RB stairs it was similar to that one.  Except bigger and steeper.  Luckily I didn't fall far before a little tree/bush stopped me.  I landed with my bike on top of me but luckily I managed to get it off of me and stand up before my teacher came down the trail.  I had to yell at him from this bush to come help me get my bike up on the trail and it was the funniest.  Plus I have a sweet scar on my leg from the incident and I had some sweet bruises.  So mountain biking was pretty much the funnest.  What was NOT the funnest was my organ class.  Seriously it was the WORST.  I had to dedicate 12 hours a week to that class.  The worst.  Mainly I just took it for fun and because I think being ward organist would be the best calling ever.  Especially since I don't believe in Sunday School (it isn't required) and I think Relief Society is the worst.  (Side note: Fun fact, some apostles are pushing for a 2 hour church block.  God bless them and plzzzzz let that go through.)  WARNING: Do NOT take a music class at BYU.  They are not for funsies.   

4) I was homeless for a month.  I don't really know how that happened, it just kind of happened.  I planned on finding housing once I got back but once I tasted the freedom of not paying rent I just couldn't go back.  I HATE paying rent.  It is the dumbest.  Just money straight down the drain.  Plus I realized I have a car and lots of friends with couches, so why pay rent?  So I couch surfed/ slept in my car through that month.  Until my mom found out I was sleeping in the car because my brother ratted me out and she freaked out about how unsafe it was, so I bought a gun, but she still said I couldn't, then I just couch surfed.  Don't be fooled.  Being homeless wasn't actually hard at all.  I had it down.  My life went like this.  Well first of all I was going to school and working full time so all I needed was somewhere to sleep.  This was covered either by a friend's couch or Lil Blue (my car).  I work at the gym so I had a place to shower.  There is a fridge at work.  I had a place to eat.  Boom.  Simple.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time being homeless.  It was pretty empowering.  

5) Disaster date happened.  It went like this: 1) Told him he could park in this parking lot.  His car gets towed.  I feel so bad/awkward I feel like I am going to projectile vomit the rest of the night.  2) Go to a park.  I pick the park, and OF COURSE it's where he and his ex-girlfriend broke up.  3) Watch Nacho Libre.  I physically could not stay awake at the end of the movie.  My eyes were doing that crazy crap when they are so heavy you can't keep them open but you are fighting to so they just go all kinds of crazy.  Needless to say there was not a second date and after that I officially retired from dating.  But I still need guy friends because I realized most of mine are real douches so if you have funny, cool guy friends plzzz comment below with their contact info.

6) The Hamilton family is moving back to North Carolina.  I seriously couldn't be more excited.  I am OBSESSED with North Carolina.  I can't even wait to see my old friends.  I applied for a job as an Associate Buyer at the Old Man's company so maybs I will be moving back there in the near future as well.  Say what?!  Fried chicken, biscuits, and Cheerwine.  Coming at ya!

7) Lizzi Perkins left on her mission.  WAHHHHHHHHH.  Seriously dying with her gone.

7) Currently I am working part time.  I only work Mon-Wed so I have entirely WAY too much time on my hands.  I literally don't even know what to do with it.  I haven't had this much free time since my summers in middle school.  So mainly I watch a ton of tv, crochet my American flag afghan, read the Lord of the Rings books, go to the pool, go SLC cruising, practice my Minesweeper and word find strategies, and live by the motto "No Country Concert Left Behind." There are currently four Hamiltons in Utah right now.  We've taking over.  So I've also been spending lots of quality time with the family.  And some not so quality time.  My little sister Shanna is here for EFY.  I took her hiking the other day and she started crying because she is afraid of heights.  Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean all the time.  I wonder how we are even related.  I take my little brother to Costco with me every week.  Mainly because he's the one with the Costco card.  Go on lots of scooter rides with my older brother.  All around just living the dream!

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