The Holy Land

The Holy Land

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"I'm Alive" -Celine Dion

I made it to Jerusalem.  I'm alive, and in major culture shock.  The extent of my knowledge of world religions so far encompasses Mormons and Southern Baptists.  Unfortunately, that will not be beneficial in the Holy Land.  My interactions with the Jewish and Muslim faiths in my life so far have been limited to the following experiences: My principal in middle school was Jewish, and although I did spend extensive time in her office, her religion wasn’t so much a matter of discussion as was my behavior.  Kosher pickles are my only other Jewish interaction.  Funny story about those little guys. On the plane when they were giving us breakfast they asked “kosher?” I obviously said no because who wants a pickle for breakfast?  Turns out, the word kosher doesn’t mean pickle.  Who knew? Oh yeah and one of my bff's is Jewish.  But not really because he's Mormon.  The extent of my knowledge of Islam is one time in fourth grade this girl in my class was Muslim and during Ramadan she accidentally ate a cracker when she was supposed to be fasting and she started crying and the teacher had to take her out in the hall and probably explain to her that she wouldn’t be thrust down to hell.  Also, there was another Muslim girl in one of my other elementary school classes named Navina.  And I hated her.  On Valentine’s day I had Bambi valentine's and I gave her the one with the skunk on it .  And I went to school one day, and she had the same pair of boots as me and I refused to ever wear them again.  Solid.

Traveling over here was approximately 5011 (fifty-leven) times worse than I thought it would be.  If you didn’t catch the reference to “Get Low” we are no longer friends.  You know the part when Lil Jon says “done been to the club about fifty-leven times.”  The same number of times I would have been since turning 21 except that my license is expired so I can’t even drive to the club let alone go 5011 times.  So about that traveling experience.  Middle seat, zone 3,  the whole way to Tel Aviv from Salt Lake.  HOLLER.  But actually don’t holler, because it sucked.  The flight from New York to Tel Aviv was easily the most painful traveling experience I have ever had.  Even  worse than the time I barfed at every rest stop from Yellowstone to Salt Lake. 

At first I got on the plane and looked through the movie and tv show collection and was beside myself.  I put away my NyQuil because there was some supes dupes poops good stuff to watch, like Christmas Vacation.  But turns out no matter how good what you are watching is, it doesn’t actually make you feel less claustrophobic.  Neither does it make your butt feel any less numb.  Luckily, I was equipped for a drug induced coma.  The kind of drug induced coma that makes you concerned you won’t wake up and you’ll wet yourself.  I took 2 NyQuil to be sure to knock me out cold.  I was drowsy and slept on and off but that made things 5011 times worse.  I would wake up and think I’d been asleep for 4 hours and wake up to find it had only been 45 minutes.    I then proceeded to take 2 Benadryl, despite my better judgment and knowledge of the dangers of mixing medications.  The medicine did not improve my sleeping situations; however, it did make me feel like I was going to projectile vomit everywhere.  Not only was I drugged to all hell but it was the middle of the night, so I should have slept effortlessly.  I am still baffled.  I never have trouble sleeping.  I can sleep anytime anywhere.  and Benadryl always knocks me out.  It was the most frustrating thing of my life.  My inability to sleep was completely against my personal code of conduct.  It also defied modern medicine.  I should still be in a drug induced coma.  The only conceivable explanation is all those years of sleeping through seminary every morning came back with a vengeance.  Kids.  Don’t be a brat in seminary.  You will pay for it. 

We got to the Jerusalem center around 5 pm Wednesday after a solid 24 hours of traveling.  They gave us a tour, fed us, and then made us go to class.  I wanted to die.  Jet lag is not cute.  And neither is going to class when all you want to do is sleep. That night it snowed and our room was freezing.  I slept pretty good regardless because I was so tired.  I slept through the call of prayer and everything.  But I slept in the fetal position to try to stay warmer and my lower back just hasn’t been the same ever since.  I can’t stand up all the way.  The hunchback look complements the jet lag nicely.

Thursday and Friday we had class and meetings and I slept at every possible opportunity.  Including during class and meetings.  Jet lag is the worst thing to happen to me since that perm I got back in 4th grade.  So far I feel like I’m at EFY with a buttload of homework.  And gross food.  And the call to prayer freaks me out.  Even more than trains.  Jerusalem obviously doesn't have noise ordinances.

I am experiencing severe America withdrawals.  Not being patriotic is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.  And so is not eating American food.  And missing basketball season.  And not being able to call and text (although I can text using wifi to other iPhones.  So if you have an iPhone shoot me some iMessages).  That’s all I’ll say at the risk that the rest will sound like complaining.

Today is the Sabbath.  Or Shabbat.  Church is on Saturdays here.  So I got ready for church and went up for breakfast and walked into the cafeteria and all of a sudden I got hit with the sickies.  I proceeded into the food area because I thought maybe I should eat a toast  (someone please show these to Amy, she will so proud that I called it "a toast").  But when I saw all the food I literally almost projectile vomited everywhere.  I know I throw around the phrase “I am going to throw up everywhere” a lot.  Mainly when anything disagreeable happens.  But this time was for reals.  I ran out of there and dry heaved in a few bushes on my way to my room.  Not cute.  I got back in bed and slept for 5 hours.  It was great.  What was not great was I everyone went to the Garden Tomb and I couldn’t.  And I’ve been DYING to get out of this building.  But it’s okay because people go every Sabbath and we get to explore the Old City tomorrow.  I'm super excited.  Shawarma and Jesus sandals coming at ya!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Coming at ya, Jerusalem

If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me "Don't get blown up" I would have been able to fund my program fees in their entirety.  Other bits of wisdom have included but are not limited to:

"Don't fall in love with a an Israeli."

"Arab is pronounced ar-uh b, not  a-ra b."

"Don't offend anyone and launch Israeli warfare against America."

"Don't draw attention to the fact that you are an American tourist."
(I'm afraid I don't have much say in the matter.  My fanny pack and Teva's will do all the talking.)

Well damn it.  I was planning on doing all those things.  But since I have learned a great deal from Alanis Morissette and because I hate irony, these tidbits of wisdom won't be the good advice that I just didn't take.  I have taken all comments and suggestions into consideration and will act accordingly.

The more I learn about Jerusalem the more I am like holy schnikes, what am I getting myself into.  I found out today that there is no bacon over there.  And that meat isn't mixed with cheese.  Meaning no cheeseburgers.  I am going to die.  That's right Michelle Obama.  I am going to die from NOT eating cheeseburgers.  Eat it.  So why don't you leave the Happy Meal alone?  Ya satanist.  That's mainly the only bad thing I remember because that bad news took a while to swallow.  After I dry swallowed that horse pill of disparity I started daydreaming about the Mini Cooper that I was going to buy when the Jerusalem center got closed and I was refunded my money.  Which I was pretty much banking on.  This daydream borrowed heavily from the Italian Job.  And Mark Wahlberg and I were in love.  And then I started feeling a little bitter towards BYU Jerusalem for robbing me of that love, and my Mini Cooper.  But mainly Mark Wahlberg. 

Despite the fact that I'm being robbed of many vital life assets, I am confident that the Jerusalem centers offerings will make up for any depvrivation.  (Maybe.  I REALLLLYYYY want a yellow Mini Cooper.  And Mark Wahlberg.)  The Jerusalem center is like Mr. Robin Hood.  Stealing from the rich, and giving to the poor.  Except it's stealing from me and giving to me.  How can I be the rich and the poor, you ask?  Look at my bank account pre-Jerusalem, and then take a little looksie at the current bank statements, post Jerusalem program fees.  That's how.  I know this experience is going to change my life and most likely make me more awesome than I already am.  You probably didn't think that was possible.  Well you'll be surprised what 10,588 big ones will do for you.   After the images of the Jerusalem center robbing me of those blessed things played in my head I began picturing what it is going to offer me.  I saw myself as a biblical scholar.  And an archaeologist working on ancient ruins and accidentally coming across dinosaur fossils.  Oh wait, not just dinosaur fossils, a new species of dinosaurs. What?  And also like a bunch of Moses's old stuff. I pictured how cultured I am going to become.  I have been called many things in my life- a scholar, an inspiration, an angel***.  However, the one thing I have never been accused of is being cultured.  Which is grossly inaccurate.  I can hardly think of any experiences more cultural than NASCAR races or visits to the Mooresville Walmart.  I am going to add to this cultural overload and learn about the history of countries besides America.  One day people are going to ask me "What is your opinion on the current political state in Israel?" and instead of just talking about how worthless Obama is, I will respond intelligently while still bashing Obama and his entourage at any given opportunity.  My testimony will be strengthened and I will become so righteous that I will most likely be asked to speak in General Conference. Uchtdorf will give me pointers on my talk and I'll get the inside scoop on the unnatural glow and year round tan of his skin.  WOWZERS.  The Jerusalem center is going to be way too good to me.  

As I depart on this journey there are a few last words I would like to leave yall with:

"So I am going out into the wilderness.  Probably to die. I hope to see you again little Chancho.  Maybe in the next life."

"Woah.  Big Gulps, huh?  Alright!  Well, see ya later."

"Take it easy mountainface."

Well, my friends, it's time to say goodbye.  

***Includes extreme cases of artistic liberties.

P.S.  My email is  Shoot me some emailz.