The Holy Land

The Holy Land

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


What, what?! I'm back in the USA. And have been for 2 months now. Kinda quit blogging about a month into my Holy Land adventures. Whoopsies. Mainly because I decided to quit writing about my adventures and just live them. People would literally stay in the Jerusalem Center to work on blog posts instead of going out in the city. I considered that to be the worst decision they could make.  Besides doing something extremely culturally insensitive. Maybe like depicting Allah and starting WWIII. So I didn't keep up with the blogging thing. But I still have lots of great stories that maybe I will write about one day. Like when I contaminated the water source in Hezekiah's Tunnel by peeing in it. Or when my friend broke her leg while we were snorkeling in the Red Sea and I didn't know what to do for her so I told her Helen Keller jokes. Or when I went to Easter Service at the Garden Tomb and decided I wanted to join one of those Christian rock band churches. Or when I get kicked out of my Arabic class. But all that is for another day.

Also. I realized I had to change the title of my blog now that I am no longer in the Holy Land. But false. I do not. Provs is basically Zion to most Mormons, so the blog title still stands. Just gotta change my picture to a skyline of Provs. Close call.

Here's some happenings since I've been back.

1) First off.  On the way back I had a middle seat.  But somehow I traded for a window seat next to home girl Lizzi Perkins.  Don't even ask how I did that.  I don't even know.  A window seat on a 10 hour flight is like gold.  I think it was less a matter of my negotiating skills and more a matter of Kara Trammell's kindness.  It was seriously the nicest.  I tried to pay her for it.  But she didn't let me.  So I gave her my last pack of Gusher's and last Fruit by the Foot.  May God bless her for that act of kindness.

2) We landed, and upon landing I shed a single tear.  I prepped for landing by listening to my America playlist and nothing gets you hyped up quite like Neil Diamond's "America."  Just let me tell you.  Once we landed I booked it through customs and then went NYC cruising with home girl and fellow ATL shawty Sara.  Sara was a fellow merchandising intern at The Home Depot last summer and she is the best.  Hopped on the subway for my first time ever and cruised on into NYC.  It was my first time and I LOVED it. Walked around Times Square.  Pretty sure got the top of my head on Good Morning America.  Went to Central Park, Rockefeller Center, ate at Serendipity, all the classics.  But most importantly went to Ground Zero.  I even made a donation.  Which is a huge deal because I never make donations because I hate the government and I already pay taxes.  But the 9/11 Memorial was super nice and it was a great way to welcome myself back into America.  As was eating Dunkin Donuts and bacon. 

This is Sara and me from last sums.

2) Then I cruised on over to Columbus to visit the fam.  It was great.  Going home is the BEST.  I have my family trained well.  They always bring my dog to pick me up at the airport, and it is the cutest, and my mom always makes my favorite foods, and they record all the episodes of Duck Dynasty for me while I'm gone.  I was only home for five days but some highlights were a) Going to the lake.  It was too cold to get the boat out and go tubing and wakeboarding, but we always go over to the lake and there is a park and a dam and it's the nicest.  Living less than a mile from the lake is the one thing I am going to miss about Ohio.  Our trips to the dam always consist of continuous dam jokes.  I am the worst culprit and turns out my mom doesn't think it's that funny when I tell the kids to quit acting like dam animals on the dam playground.  But actually, she does.  b) Whenever I'm home we have lots of bonfires in the backyard.  We cook dinner over the fire and have s'mores and I LOVE it.  Well this time I decided we should go way out in the woods and down to the creek in the backyard.  So I take all the lil rugrats with me we explore and have a great time and then come back up to the fire and everyone has ticks. Lil Spencer literally had 20 ticks on him.  Everyone else had at least 5.  My mom was NOT happy.  She was even last happy when I stripped down in the backyard to my knickers.  Whoopsies.  Sorry Mother Teresia. c) I started giving my dog Minnie a haircut, but I never finished before I left.  My mom always tells me to take her to the groomers but I'm the biggest tight wad there ever was, and living with the Jews for four months didn't help that situation any.  Whoops.  Mainly I didn't finish because Minnie wasn't cooperating.  But actually because I was tired of it.  So I don't actually know how she is looking these days.  I assume she was taken to the groomers.  But frankly, I'm scared to ask for fear that she is still rocking the half haircut look.  d) Spencer and Jennifer.  Spencer is seriously the CUTEST little boy.  And the funniest.  Wen he was being potty trained he would call me every time he pooped on the toilet.  Hahaha.  I am obsessed with him.  Jennifer is also the cutest and funniest.  She has so much sass.  I've taught her well.  Watch below vid for proof.  My other sibs are pretty great too.  Oh and so are the parentals. 

3) Came back to Provs, took spring classes and worked.  I took my capstone business class, (I am officially unofficially graduated! Holler.  Just one more class to go for my marketing emphasis, but as of right now I have my business degree.  What?!) mountain biking, and organ.  Mountain biking was the BEST.  It was seriously so fun.  Some highlights from that class were a) running over a snake with my bike b) my teacher thought I was a total idiot but also he loved me because I talked about guns with him c) I fell off the side of the Bonneville Shoreline.  We were going downhill and it was steep and there were lots of rocks and I slid on one and right off the trail.  For those of you familiar with the hill near the RB stairs it was similar to that one.  Except bigger and steeper.  Luckily I didn't fall far before a little tree/bush stopped me.  I landed with my bike on top of me but luckily I managed to get it off of me and stand up before my teacher came down the trail.  I had to yell at him from this bush to come help me get my bike up on the trail and it was the funniest.  Plus I have a sweet scar on my leg from the incident and I had some sweet bruises.  So mountain biking was pretty much the funnest.  What was NOT the funnest was my organ class.  Seriously it was the WORST.  I had to dedicate 12 hours a week to that class.  The worst.  Mainly I just took it for fun and because I think being ward organist would be the best calling ever.  Especially since I don't believe in Sunday School (it isn't required) and I think Relief Society is the worst.  (Side note: Fun fact, some apostles are pushing for a 2 hour church block.  God bless them and plzzzzz let that go through.)  WARNING: Do NOT take a music class at BYU.  They are not for funsies.   

4) I was homeless for a month.  I don't really know how that happened, it just kind of happened.  I planned on finding housing once I got back but once I tasted the freedom of not paying rent I just couldn't go back.  I HATE paying rent.  It is the dumbest.  Just money straight down the drain.  Plus I realized I have a car and lots of friends with couches, so why pay rent?  So I couch surfed/ slept in my car through that month.  Until my mom found out I was sleeping in the car because my brother ratted me out and she freaked out about how unsafe it was, so I bought a gun, but she still said I couldn't, then I just couch surfed.  Don't be fooled.  Being homeless wasn't actually hard at all.  I had it down.  My life went like this.  Well first of all I was going to school and working full time so all I needed was somewhere to sleep.  This was covered either by a friend's couch or Lil Blue (my car).  I work at the gym so I had a place to shower.  There is a fridge at work.  I had a place to eat.  Boom.  Simple.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time being homeless.  It was pretty empowering.  

5) Disaster date happened.  It went like this: 1) Told him he could park in this parking lot.  His car gets towed.  I feel so bad/awkward I feel like I am going to projectile vomit the rest of the night.  2) Go to a park.  I pick the park, and OF COURSE it's where he and his ex-girlfriend broke up.  3) Watch Nacho Libre.  I physically could not stay awake at the end of the movie.  My eyes were doing that crazy crap when they are so heavy you can't keep them open but you are fighting to so they just go all kinds of crazy.  Needless to say there was not a second date and after that I officially retired from dating.  But I still need guy friends because I realized most of mine are real douches so if you have funny, cool guy friends plzzz comment below with their contact info.

6) The Hamilton family is moving back to North Carolina.  I seriously couldn't be more excited.  I am OBSESSED with North Carolina.  I can't even wait to see my old friends.  I applied for a job as an Associate Buyer at the Old Man's company so maybs I will be moving back there in the near future as well.  Say what?!  Fried chicken, biscuits, and Cheerwine.  Coming at ya!

7) Lizzi Perkins left on her mission.  WAHHHHHHHHH.  Seriously dying with her gone.

7) Currently I am working part time.  I only work Mon-Wed so I have entirely WAY too much time on my hands.  I literally don't even know what to do with it.  I haven't had this much free time since my summers in middle school.  So mainly I watch a ton of tv, crochet my American flag afghan, read the Lord of the Rings books, go to the pool, go SLC cruising, practice my Minesweeper and word find strategies, and live by the motto "No Country Concert Left Behind." There are currently four Hamiltons in Utah right now.  We've taking over.  So I've also been spending lots of quality time with the family.  And some not so quality time.  My little sister Shanna is here for EFY.  I took her hiking the other day and she started crying because she is afraid of heights.  Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean all the time.  I wonder how we are even related.  I take my little brother to Costco with me every week.  Mainly because he's the one with the Costco card.  Go on lots of scooter rides with my older brother.  All around just living the dream!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Well, big gulps huh?  Tomorrow is Wednesday, June 26.  The day lil Perky Perkins goes into the MTC.  Lizzi Perkins is one of my best friends from Jerusalem and one of the greatest human beings on this earth.  Too bad it took me a while to discover that.  My first few interactions with Lizzi weren't that great, so it's really a miracle we ended up being BFFs.  Interaction number one: Lizzi and I were in the soup line getting soup, or more like looking at it and then deciding not to get soup, and she says to me "Kate, right?"  And she tells me that I looked at her, said "It's Nicki" not that warmly, and walk away.  I do not remember this at all, but I trust Lizzi enough to believe it happened.  And the best part is Lizzi didn't even hate me for being a total beezee.  And she doesn't even hold it against me, she just says "Everyone called you Kate for the first two weeks, it must have gotten annoying."  Which is very kind of her.  Everyone did get Kate and I confused for the first forever and it was VERY annoying, and I am so grateful that Lizzi gets that and that she didn't hate me.  Interaction number two: I can't remember who, but someone at the Jerusalem Center approached me and told me how funny my blog was.  After which I proceeded to wig out and interrogate them to find out 1) How they found out about my blog (I was VERY careful to not let it get out.  I would never get on my blog on any computer but my laptop so the link wasn't floating around and I didn't tell anyone about it except apparently my roommate was in the room once when I was writing a post and she let the cat out the bag.  Mainly I didn't want anyone to know because I would have to censor myself and I am not going to censor myself on my own blog.  And because Frank Judd- WORST TEACHER EVER- was a lil spy and he would get on students blogs and look for anything he could run to the administration with.  The semester before he went on some students blogs and found pics of them "climbing on antiquities" and they almost got sent home.  Needless to say I hate Frank Judd, and everybody knows it.  Including Frank Judd.) 2) Who all had seen it.  I found out that Lizzi, Kate, and Tess (other Jerusalem BFFs) were amongst those who had gotten access to it and been reading it and I approached them and asked them about it and told them they weren't allowed to share it with anyone else. I didn't think I was rude about it, but turns out I was.  But it my defense, I was trying to preserv the privatized integrity of my blog without having to approve every reader.  So another, not so great interaction.  In addition to these not so positive encounters, I found out that Lizzi's dad was a general authority.  And as much as I wanted to be chummy with a daughter of a general authority, I didn't.  So mainly, I didn't have anything to do with the Lizzi the first half of the trip.  Then this one time in Turkey we were standing out by some body of water and it was freezing and wet and cold and everyone was getting sick and Frank Judd gave a 45 minute devotional while we were all freezing our baguettes off and we had to make a little penguin circle for warmth and Lizzi was in that circle and we all bonded as we fought off the black lung, cholera, and a variety of other disease. Then this other time in Turkey we were at this place for lunch and I was playing with these dogs outside and I was very careful to wash my hands after because I'm allergic.  But didn't help because afterwords we went to this place and it was really windy and the wind picked up the dog dandruff and fur on my clothes and scattered it around and it got in my eyes and they got all red and puffy and swelled shut and I couldn't see.  I don't really remember how it happened (probably because I couldn't see) but Lizzi ended up leading me around like a blind woman and it was the nicest.  And we had to walk down this huge hill and we listened to and sang "If I fall you're going down with me" by the Dixie Chicks and it was the funnest of times. She told me where to step and went nice and slow, and was the nicest.  And then she scratched my back while we had to listen to Frank Judd blab on and on forever and it felt like fairies were dancing on my back.  And then we went to a church next and she led me to the holy water and she dabbed it on my forehead and then I was healed.  And then after that I invited her to sit next to me, which was a HUGE deal.  I always had my own row on the bus on the Turkey trip because the bus rides were long and I calculated that 5 people could have their own rows so I could always be one of the first people on the bus and then I would just lay down and fall asleep and enjoy the comfort of being able to sprawl out and sleep on those long bus rides.  But I invited Lizzi to come sit by me and after that I started saving her a seat and she would teach me Chinese and buy fake Beats from me and we'd listen to Neil Diamond and we always had fun times.  Then after Turkey till the end of the trip we were together a lot and we always had fun times and then I was sad that we didn't become friends till halfway through the trip.  But we've also had lots of great adventures since we've been back and I'm just very glad that we were able to overcome our rocky start.

The dog that led to allergy eyes and solidified our friendship and led to many fun games of "Helen Keller"

A few of my favorite things/memories about Lizzi are the following:

1) Lizzi is all about fun times.  Lots of our field trips in Jerusalem were pretty boring.  And by pretty boring I mean extremely boring.  Lizzi always loved to invent fun new games with me.  Mainly the games consisted of throwing rocks.  One time there were holes in the side of this hill and we played ancient corn hull.  And this other time we played "whoever gets the most rocks in the manger wins."  Sometimes our games also consisted of hide-and-go seek.  But mainly throwing rocks, and it was always really fun.  And this other fun game was like the clothes-pin drop but instead it involved ancient pottery, rocks, and a 20 foot falling distance.  It was a real challenge.  But Lizzi is always up for a challenge.

2) Lizzi is a team player.  She has seen Fired Up and she does know that you have to risk it for the biscuit.  In our NOT favorite class, our NOT favorite teacher told us that the back row was making him nervous.  Which is because it was all the notorious troublemakers (Kate, Sarina, and me) and Lizzi.  Lizzi told us that she had never been dubbed a troublemaker.  But despite being a noob at troublemaking she was a team player and stuck with us and learned quickly.  Also.  She was never actually a troublemaker.  Troublemaker defined by Frank Judd is noun: anyone that doesn't adhere strictly to every one of my obsessive compulsive, controlling, demands and doesn't legitimize his Short Man Syndrome Complex.  Mainly she was just her own person and didn't let Frank Judd tell her how to live her life.  She goes to church every gosh dang Sunday.  Is Frank going to try to beat the demons out of her?  Also she helped invent the nickname Napoleon for Frank. 

3) Lizzi does what she wants and doesn't care what other people think.  She has GREAT fashion sense and wears these beautiful African print pants everywhere.  She has also fully recognized the fanny pack for the necessary, practical article of clothing they are.  She is also the only person I know who buys clothing at Shopko, and does so with pride. Also I knew we were meant to be friends when we both fell in love with the vests at a bazaar in Turkey and bought them.  Best inVESTment ever.  Also I knew the vests were the greatest when my grandma told me she wanted to steal it.

Vest friends.

Besties with vesties.

Blessing each other.

4) Lizzi sends me the best texts.  They mainly consist of funny Buzzfeed articles, something to do with poop, videos of her dancing around with a rain stick,  or videos of her holding her stomach because she is having tummy troubs and the song "Dying in your arms tonight."  I love receiving text messages from her more than anyone else on this earth.

5) Lizzi appreciates my sense of humor.  She always laughs at everything and she makes you feel like a Grade A comedian.  Even is she doesn't think it's funny she laughs at you, so no matter what you think you are hilarious.  It's great. 

6) Lizzi is a great listener.  And not only a great listener, but a great REFLECTIVE listener.  And she hasn't even taken M Com 320.  How did she learn that without Professor Shayne Clarke teaching her?!  Not only does she listen and offer great advice but she actually cares.

7) Lizzi is weird.  She has this narration voice that she does when the occasion calls for it.  Mainly meaning whenever words like "hence" are used.  It sounds like a mixture of Gandolf and Professor McGonagall and it is the funniest.

8) Lizzi is always down for a good time.  A few weeks ago she participated in my weekly ammo run to Sportsman's Warehouse.  She woke up at 7:00 am on a Friday morning with me and sat in line with me for an hour and a half out in the chill morning air and she was excited about it and we played Yahtzee and listened to Britney Spears and it was fun times to the maxxx.  And she helped plan/execute the greatest music video know to man.  Spoiler alert: it involves Britney and Fiber One.  Watch out.  Going viral, coming at ya!

9) Lizzi makes great guacamole.  You'd think she grew up in Mexico, not Asia.  But she grew up in Asia.  -.-

 10) Lizzi loves to support me in my endeavors.  We post stuff on the Jerusalem group on FB on occasion to get people going and to conduct social experiments and it is the funniest.  I posted one about how much I hated Frank Judd to see who would just complain about Judd and who would see it and actually like it.  Turns out when 50 people have seen it and only Lizzi, Kate, and I like it no one has the backbone to like it.  Also.  Just posted this super sappy "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" on there because Lizzi and I both agreed that everyone would eat it up, and it would become a thing and we just think it is the funniest.  But turns out I probably should have had Lizzi post it because they probably know I'm being facetious and it's turning into just Lizzi, Kate, and me liking it again. -______- (Whale face- a Lizzi classic.)

11) Lizzi loves Yahoo news and reads it faithfully.  Mainly I love making fun of her for still having a Yahoo email account, but also I love that she reads it everyday and will fill you in on all the latest Yahoo news.  Also, because of her I have started reading it as of late and it's pretty good.

12) Lizzi is going to be a GREAT missionary.  She knows how to be a great example and influence without being preachy or judgmental.  She is going to get out there and show those Taiwanese people that she loves them and cares for them and she is going to develop good relationships with them instead of just trying to force feed them the gospel.  She is going to do great and she WILL do great things.  May God bless you with bounteous blessings and much success.  I'm going to miss you, Lizzi.  But I WILL be at your homecoming. I promise.  And not just to see Mitt Romney. 你是一個很好的朋友,我珍惜你的友誼很多。中國也可能是可怕的. 你知道,我只是把這個在谷歌翻譯
.  好運妹妹帕金斯的.  我愛你

Lizzi appreciates THE RICHARD.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What time is it? It's Valentimes!

Valentine's Day is great.  Contrary to popular belief, it was not invented for Hallmark to sell mass amount of sappy cards, for mediocre chocolate companies to make yearly sales, to keep the local flower shop in business, or to identify the single, bitter population of the world.  Valentine's Day is in fact celebrated to honor the Christian Saint Valentine who is famous for secretly performing marriages for soldiers, or something like that.  That's about as far as I got into the history because the Wikipedia page on the history of Valentine's was real confusing.  But fun fact.  Valentine's Day is an international holiday.  However, many Muslims don't celebrate it.  And in Saudi Arabia in 2011 the selling of Valentine paraphernalia (chocolates, flowers, candlelit dinners, the little hearts with the messages like "2 Cute" and "Be Mine",etc.) was banned.  Not so fun fact. Valentine's Day is a working holiday.  What a travesty.

Valentine's day at the Jerusalem center has been real great.  We had a Valentine's dance.  It was rumored that there would be nothing but slow songs.  I was really looking forward to it because I love the awkwardness of the Mormon teapot, standard works distance apart dance.  But the girls were wigging out because there are only 20 or so boys and about 60 girls, so about 2/3 of the girls each song would be involuntary wall flowers.  But my question is, how is that different from any other church dance?  But unfortunately the dance had zero slow songs.  Other great thing about Valentine's Day at the Jerusalem center was dinner.  On the menu under dinner for today all it said was American Food.  And someone so kindly drew an American flag beneath it and wrote and I quote "For Nikki".  They spelled my name wrong, but I wasn't even upset.  The American meal was dedicated to me.  I shed one single tear.  Which landed on my freedom fry (AKA French fries for all you liberal commies) and salted it perfectly.  The food was mediocre at best, and if it were a month and a half ago, no doubt I would not have touched it.  But when life gives you American food, you eat it.  Regardless of what a terrible misrepresentation it may be.

Here are my thoughts on Valentine's Day:

1) Valentimes is serious times.  Teen Girl Squad Episode 12-Vamlumtime's Day.  As of late I have reverted back to my middle school days and have been spending a significant amount of time at  The lack of YouTube contributes largely to this, as does the need for frequent breaks from my biblical studies.  Please take the 3 minutes to watch this.  It will be 180 seconds well spent.

2) Flowers are great.  My roommate bought flowers and I came home from class and there was one laying on my bed, all cute like.  Plus it was a flower of the gerbera daisy AKA African daisy variety, which are one of my personal faves. I used to think flowers were the stupidest gift ever.  You get them, and then they die a few days later.  Once my dad bought me a bouquet after my talent show in elementary school and I was real bummed that it wasn't a bouqet of DQ Dilly Bars.  And then my mom put then in my dresser in my room and my main interaction with them was trying to see if I could get my fish to eat them.  The guinea pigs ate them gladly so the element of fun with that household pet and my flowers were minimal.  But luckily, my appreciation for flowers has since grown significantly.  This can be traced solely to my enrollment in Floral Design.  If you haven't taken that class I would HIGHLY recommend it.  The teacher is a riot.  Plus you learn lots of handy things like how to make bridal bouquets, boutineers, corsages, and relief society centerpieces.  It is a real economic investment.  Also, that class made me realize my post-retirement calling in life.  I'm going to work in a flower shop.  Try having a bad day at work at one of those places.  "The exceptionally rich hue of the new shipment of hydrangeas totally threw off my color schemes, and the birds of paradise were so exquisite that they withdrew from the arrangement's focal point.  And don't even get me started on the excessively sweet scent of the new lilacs, or the song birds that keep flying in the shop to drink of the flowers sweet nectar."  What a life it will be.

3) Valentine's Day is great for those of us who have difficulties with showing emotion and affection.  I get to give out Valentine's that are mainly a joke, but that also say "Hey, I care about you and value my relationship with you" without actually having to say "Hey, I care about you and value my relationship with you."  Because actually saying those words would makes me feel real uncomfortable.

4) Valentine's Day is the only holiday that I can think of that evokes such a broad range of emotions.  For those of you woe-be-me's who have transformed Valentine's Day into "Single's Awareness Day" or "National Pity Party Day", I have have a two-word sermon for you: STOP IT.  For those of you disrespectors of my gag reflex, please apply the following: STOP IT.   No one likes a gushy, sappster.  There is a reason why no one (besides my mother) listens to the radio station that plays Delilah's love songs after dark.  No matter how great your significant other is, I frankly do not care.  Your significant other is off the market, so please quit trying to sell them to me.  Valentine's Day is in fact not the QVC network.  Nor is it a day that makes PDA any more acceptable.

5) Valentine's Day is great because you give, and receive Valentine's!  Unlike Christmas, it is okay to be all about receiving.  Valentine's Day in elementary school was great.  Decorating those mailboxes and scribbling my name on a bunch of Valentines, then plastering a Pixie Stick on them were some of the greatest days of my life.So was going through the class list and choosing which Valentine to give to whom- mainly giving the real cool ones to your friends, and giving the leftovers from last years Valentines and sometimes cards that correspond to the opposite gender of the recipient to everyone else.  Contrary to belief, the joy of giving out Valentine's doesn't have to end in elementary school.  In fact, it only gets better.  After elementary school you are no longer mandated to give one to everyone.  Plus the Valentines are typically more meaningful, and the candy of a higher caliber.

In the absence of YouTube, my typical study break, I have gotten really into looking up funny Valentine's.  When I say really into it, I mean really into it.  The ones posted are only a fraction of the number I found.  Because I can't individually send these Valentine's, specifically tailored to you, for fear of the Internet police shutting me down for sending large amounts of data over the world wide web, I have added them below.  Warning: some of them may not be funny to you.  Probably because it was not intended for you.  Also, probably because I think everything is funny.  And because as someone kindly put it the other day, I have an "innovative nature."  AKA I'm weird.  Or as my dad would say, I'm a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

valentine 13.png


valentine 5.png

One of my faves.

It won't be a proper blog post without a jab at Obama.

My ideal valentineJack Bauer. But he is unavailable. Fictional. And overqualified.
By no means does this mean I hate Obama any less.  I just thought it was hysterical.

After a while I got real innovative and started making my own.  Warning: some of them aren't very funny.  I mainly was just real bored and needed something to do.  Creativity does not always accompany boredom.



My most sincere Valentine.
And my true Valentine:
This one probably won't actually make sense to you unless you follow NASCAR.  Or live in Mooresville, NC.  Regardless, you should be able to draw some appreciation from the attractiveness of the subject matter.


Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hugbig kiss,little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss.